Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day 32: Rambling woman.

Tuesday, August 1st
I'm a little behind today. It has taken me longer than I anticipated to recover from the weekend, and I had to nap when Colby took his morning nap. It was good, though. I feel like I'm ready and rarin' to go now.
I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but there's this awesome site called Sparkpeople.com that I use on a regular basis. I was using it for a while to track everything I eat, but that got really old really fast. I also used it to get those quotes that until recently have been on each of my blogs. I'm sure I'll bring that back, but right now I'm too lazy. Anyway, there are a couple of features on there that I still use and love. One of them is the exercise tracker. You put in the exercise you did, and how long you did it for and it calculates how many calories you burned based on the height and weight info that you put into the system. It's awesome! Another cool thing is that it tracks your progress of weight loss as well as inches off your hips, waist, and neck. It's such a good site and the best part is that it's totally FREE! I love it.
I think I'm going to start tracking on here the calories I have burned the day before, and keep a running tally. That might help me out even more.
Can you believe it's already August?! Holy crap! Colby is going to be a year old next month! That absolutely blows my mind. I'm excited to watch him grow. He is already changing so much! If you haven't already, you should check out the videos of him on our family page. He's too cute for words.
I'm kind of excited about my own birthday this year. It isn't anything special, I'm just turning 24, and I don't plan on doing anything big, but I'm psyched. Here's why: When I turned 21, I got married 2 days later and therefore wasn't able to party it up. When I turned 22 I was pretty much broke. When I turned 23 I was pregnant. Now, I'm turning 24 and I'm not pregnant or getting married and although we're not rollin' in the dough, I think we could afford a night out on the town. That would be so much fun. Anyone wanna go party it up with me?
Speaking of money and rollin' in the dough... I am really motivated to save money. I mean, I usually am, but we haven't done the best job of it. Don't get me wrong, we're not dumb with our money and have a savings as well as a retirement account for Clint, but we both think we could do better about our spending. I'm going to try and find some good tips online for saving cash, I bet there are at least a few things we could be doing that we don't even think about. The more money we have saved away for a down payment on a house, or furniture, or whatever, the easier it will be to take that leap and actually buy a house. God, I want a house so bad. But I digress...
Yesterday I forgot that it was my night to go out and run or rollerblade, so I rollerbladed instead of crunches. Since tonight is Clint's run night I'll do them then! I took Colby in the stroller and rollerbladed for a couple of miles. Man, I thought it was a good workout rollerblading without the stroller, it is tough with it! Shew!
Alrighty, I have more I could ramble about, but I think I should shut up and start cleaning now.
Calories Burned Yesterday:
  • Rollerblade 26 mins- 218.4 Cal.
  • Walk 19 min/mile 30 mins- 126 Cal.

To Do:
1. Dishes
2. Laundry
3. Walk
4. Six Strength Training
from Sparkpeople

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