Friday, August 04, 2006

Day 35: Today I brag about Colby.

Friday, August 4th
Yesterday was great! Colby and I went for a walk to the coffee stand and back, and burned lots of calories. Okay, so I got a snickerdoodle at the coffee stand which was slightly counter-productive. Whatever. : ) I didn't do the strength training, although I think I will after I finish drinking my cup of coffee and typing this.

Today is already a great day. Colby is being so funny. He is starting to understand more and more of what I say and now he points at things, looks at me, and says "Dah" and waits until I tell him what it is. Then he'll point at it again and say, "Woahw." Everything is "Woahw" to him. It's cute because it sounds like whoa, but he ends it with a "w" like he's mixing it with the word "Wow." I don't know if that makes sense, but it would if you heard him.

Colby is also getting a lot more daring. He is standing up for long periods of time, totally unassisted. He took another step today, but fell because I said, "Oh my gosh!" really loud. Damn my enthusiasm.

I can't believe my little boy is growing up! He already has such a funny personality. He is changing every day, and that totally trips me out. And he looks different too. Every day I go to pick him up I feel like his face is slimmer or his hair is longer. Trippy. It's so exciting to watch him grow, but so sad too! I'm glad that we're going to wait a couple of years for number 2 though, because this is the only time I'm going to be able to focus all of my attention on one child. I think Colby's going to be a great big-brother, though. I can already tell. He loves other kids and babies!

I'm excited for this afternoon. I begged my mom to come up and hang out with me while Clint's studying for the CPA exam. I say I begged, but it didn't take much convincing. My parents hardly ever turn down an excuse to come see Colby. So, I think we're going to go to lunch and walk around the mall. I'm just glad to have some company. It gets lonely when Clint's studying. But it will all pay off when he passes! Oh man, when that happens we are going to PAR-TAY!

Oh! I posted some items on eBay last night. I'm nervous that they aren't going to sell though. I know, they haven't even been up for 24 hours yet and most of the bidding doesn't start until the end of the auction, so I shouldn't worry. Eh, we'll see!

Alrighty, I should probably be off to straighten up and hopefully do those exercises. I know I'm probably not going to do much in the way of exercising tonight, so I should do something today! Have an awesome weekend!

Calories Burned Yesterday:
  • Walk 17 min/mile- 240 Cal.

Total Calories Burned This Week: 835

(My Sparkpeople goal for calories burned is 560. I have already blown that out of the water!

Go Lindsay, it's your birthday...)

To Do:

1. Dishes

2. Laundry

3. Straighten Up

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