Monday, July 10, 2006

Day 25: Getting back into it.

Monday, July 10th
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Japanese Proverb

I guess I took a week’s vacation from exercise, huh? I did absolutely pitiful last week. I’m not joking, I literally ate chips for lunch at least twice last week. I’m not talking a chip here, and a chip there, I’m talking I don’t want to eat another chip for the rest of my life. Gross. But I’m back, and pumped and ready to continue my weight loss goals. It’s like the lyrics in Chumbawumba’s Tub Thumping says, "I get knocked down, and I get up again..." (I can’t believe I just quoted that song.)

For whatever reason, I have had this strong urge lately to try and start up my own business. I feel like I’m a pretty talented and knowledgeable person, but what could I do? More importantly, what could I do that would still enable me to be at home with Colby? I would love to learn how to do web developing and stuff like that. It would also be great to be able to learn how to take awesome photos and sell them, but everybody and their mother is doing that these days. A friend and I were talking this past weekend about how cool it would be to start up an espresso stand. I think that would be a lot of work, but so much fun. The problem is that it’s fairly expensive, not to mention difficult to find a place where there aren’t already a gazillion other coffee stands. What to do, what to do... I don’t know why this has hit me all of the sudden. I don’t, by any means, want to go back to work and put Colby in daycare. I think I’d be miserable if I did that. There must be something I could do... Anyone have any ideas?

Anyway, onward and upward! Lets hope and pray this week is better than last!

1. Run errands
2. Laundry

1. 30 min. walk
2. Abs

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