Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Day 28: My mini pity party.

Wednesday, July 19th
Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
Margrart Lee Runbeck

I think I like the whole "checklist" thing. It works for me. If I have a list of things to do and I don’t finish something, it doesn’t make me feel like I failed because I know that it’ll just be on my list of things to do for tomorrow.

Yesterday I cleaned like a champ. Our apartment looks pretty good. Or at least it did until Colby got up from him his nap... Oh well, it isn’t the end of the world. I rearranged our bedroom yesterday and Colby’s the day before. I felt like I needed a change. It occurred to me that I have moved pretty much every year for the past 4 or 5 years, sometimes more than once. This year we aren’t going anywhere and that’s so weird to me. So, I needed a change. I think I like it, though. Both rooms have a lot more space now which is great since Colby is quickly needing more area to explore.

Instead of jogging last night, I whipped out my rollerblades and went about 3 miles. I was flying. I totally forgot how much fun it is to rollerblade. It might not be the coolest thing to do anymore, but it sure is a good workout. Right away I could feel it in my inner thighs and quads. Just where I want to tone up! I’m going to take them out again, maybe with Colby in the stroller this time, but I need to get some new wheels first. Mine are stripped down to the bone on one skate and that isn’t safe at all.

Man, I really can’t wait until we get a house. We are quickly growing out of our 700 sq. ft. apartment. It would be so nice to be able to put pictures up on the walls without worrying about not getting our deposit back, and I would absolutely love to have something other than white paint on the walls. Oh, and a yard would be nice too. I don’t have much in the way of pictures or paintings, and I want to start collecting some. I love black-and-white scenery photos or really any scenery photos. And, I love the paintings that the Kammers do. I think they’re all too talented for their own good. : ) Bare walls make everything so impersonal, so temporary. I guess I can’t wait to have a place that’s permanent. Where I know I can change the address on my driver’s license without having to change it again in a short amount of time. A place where I can have friends and not have to worry about the fact that I might be moving soon. I hope we can move close to our friends and family. I’m feeling lonely up here.

Okay, enough of my pity party. I think I need to change this from being my exercise blog to just being my online journal. That’s really what it has become for me. It’s so nice once Colby goes down for his first nap. I make myself a cup of coffee, turn off the TV, turn on some music, and sit and spill my thoughts here. No matter how blah I might be feeling, I always feel awesome once I write it all out. I get a little "me time" and I’m refreshed for another round of chasing Colby and keeping him from getting into places he shouldn’t be.

To do:
1. Drop stuff off at Goodwill
2. Dishes
3. Walk
4. Jog (10 mins)

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