Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day 43: A new day.

Tusday, September 12th

All-in-all, yesterday was pretty good! Colby and I met Clint for lunch at Starbucks and then went to walk around the mall. At about 5pm my mom and brother showed up and we had pizza and Dairy Queen ice cream cake (my favorite) and just hung out. Clint brought home these really pretty orange flowers for me, along with a card that started with "To the woman I'd marry all over again." He melts my heart.

The only problem with yesterday was my mood. I watched TV in the morning about all of the 9/11 stuff and didn't turn it off until we met Clint for lunch. I knew I shouldn't, but I watched it and got sad. That stuck with me all day and I couldn't shake it. I was so down and depressed. That's how has been the last 5 years, though, so I guess I should just get used to it. I feel silly being so depressed on that day because I didn't know anyone involved in the attacks and I have never even been to NY, let alone the WTC. But, for some reason when I see those images it brings all of those horrible feelings back to me and I can't get rid of them. By yesterday evening, I found myself wishing the day was over already. How sad is that?

But, today is a new day. The weather is beautiful and I have so much to be thankful for. Today is going to be wonderful.

To Do:
1. Enjoy today
2. Laundry
3. Empty Dishwasher

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