Monday, January 14, 2008

This is Hard.


Not that anyone told me being a parent to 2 kids would be easy, but this is freaking hard.

Take this last week:

Colby got sick a week ago and is still recovering from it. We have been stuck inside all week long because of it. I ended up spiking a fever which turned out to be Mastitis, so that was crummy. Now Lily has a stuffy nose and keeps sneezing. Not only have I been getting up with Lily multiple times a night to feed her, I have had to console my sick little boy too. As a result, I am so dead tired I have hardly gotten out of my PJs, let alone taken a shower. And since we have to be inside, all we have done is watch tons of Christmas movies and TV. I have had such a short fuse with Colby and I feel bad because I know part of why he's acting up is because he's bored and I'm not doing anything exciting to help him out in that area.

Clint and I got a weekend alone which was awesome, but didn't leave me feeling rested in the least. I slept way more than I normally would, but apparently my body needed more than 2 days to catch up on sleep.

Last night was the worst. Lily is apparently going through a growth spurt and is super fussy and eating every hour. I was up every single hour last night for at least 15-20 minutes each time. Colby woke up a couple of times too. And at 3am he woke up completely freaking out. When I couldn't console him I completely lost it and Clint had to help me out. Thank God I have such an amazing husband.

To make matters even worse, Lily isn't latching on right, so my nipples (sorry TMI) are in bad shape. It feels like she is going to rip them off at every feeding. I am trying to get in to see a lactation consultant ASAP, but until then it is horribly painful every time she nurses, which is still every hour.

And right now, Colby is playing with cars on his wall instead of napping and Lily is crying and all I want to do is freaking SLEEP.

This is so hard, this sucks so much, and I know it will pass. But for right now I just want to run far, far away.

I just took the kids on a drive to get them to nap. Colby is out like a light and Lily is as alert as can be. Awesome.

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