Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday Vent

This is going to be whiny, so be prepared.

I am SO done with today!!! I went to bed by 10pm expecting to feel refreshed today, but that so did not happen. Clint got up before 5 to go running (which I'm so proud of him for doing, but it woke me up), Lily got up at 5:30 to eat, and then Colby got up at 6:30. Why the hell does he get up so freaking early???

I try to clean his complete mess of a room, and with each thing I put away, he takes 2 out. So I give him a snack of Goldfish crackers, thinking that might help buy me a couple of minutes to clean. He knocks the entire thing over. In his defense, it was an accident and he tried to clean it up, but as soon as the last fish was back in the bowl, he knocks it over again. This time on purpose. Meanwhile, Lily is fussing despite the fact that I just fed her. I look in her mouth and she STILL has this effing thrush that won't go away!!! She has had it since she was 6 weeks old and is now over 3 months. So I feed her again, and she continues to fuss. She's now on the floor in a little plaything whining because nothing I do seems to help.

Colby, after spilling crackers everywhere, decided to grab his Cheerios from this morning and spill them all over my bed while I'm going to the bathroom and commences jumping on them. (Thankfully they were dry, as I didn't give them to him with milk this morning.)

My kitchen is trashed, the dishes are spilling out of the sink and don't smell very good. Every SINGLE room in this house needs to be picked up and the bathrooms could totally use a scrub. I need to vacuum and do laundry. There is so much I have to do, in fact, that I am overwhelmed even thinking about it. Normally Clint would come home and help out, but not only is he studying for what I can only hope, pray and BEG is his last CPA exam, he is working late because it's busy season. What is infuriating about the messy house is that each of these rooms was clean just a matter of days ago, but you'd never know by the way they look now!

I am so frustrated, so done with today. I was all set to write a funny/silly blog on Mommy Guilt and how we should stop feeling guilty about all of this stuff, but today I just need to vent. If you made it this far, thanks for listening to me whine.

(Wow, I'm shocked that I even got to write this thing with minimal interruptions. Maybe I should give cleaning another shot...)

ETA: It is now 1pm and things are looking up. I called my friend Kendra to vent (and while I was on the phone Colby dumped out ALL of the toys I had just cleaned up, awesome) and she suggested taking a 15 min timeout with Colby to just play what he wanted. (She has twins, she knows what she's talking about.) We ended up playing blocks and then dancing for an hour and wouldn'tcha know he was suddenly not such a stinker? Why didn't I think of that? So now my dishes are almost done, I realized what was making my kitchen smell (milk in a cereal bowl from Saturday, my bad), and Colby's going down for a nap. Lily is less fussy and I'm more awake thanks to 2 strong cups of coffee. The world is right once again.

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