Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Day 22: My Happy Heart

Wednesday, June 28th

Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.
Satchel Paige

A View of Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake in 1992

Despite my late blogging, yesterday was fairly successful. I did laundry (although I still need to fold it) and instead of walking, Clint, Colby, and I went for a 30 minute (2.3 mile) jog. It made my heart happy to jog with my little family. It really didn’t feel like exercise because it was fun! Plus, Clint pushed the stroller the whole way, which made the jog soooo much easier for me. I also made a month’s worth of calzones (they’re waaay nummy), so that completed another goal!
Again, I realize that I’m blogging late in the day, and today’s pretty much over. Oh well! It doesn’t mean I haven’t been productive today, though. I’m going to cheat a little today and write goals I want to accomplish, but really, I’ve already accomplished them. What? It’s my blog, I can do what I want. So there.
Can I tell you how much I like walking? And jogging for that matter. I love the time I get to spend pushing Colby around, listening to my music, thinking about whatever it is that’s on my mind. It’s extremely therapeutic. Today I thought that I might go to the library and check out some photography books. Maybe there’s an Idiot’s Guide to Taking Awesome Pictures that I can pick up. (I was actually being facetious, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that book exists!) I figure with the scenery around here, there have to be a gazillion opportunities for fantastic photography. It would be so much cheaper to hang my own framed photos than to go out and buy someone else’s!
I am going to get mushy for a second, so bear with me. (I blame it on the Mike’s I’m drinking right now. Alcohol always makes me mushy gushy. And I’ve only had one! What a light weight.) I love my life right now. I cannot imagine it any better than this. Clint is amazing, he is such a wonderful husband. He goes to work day in and day out and busts his ass so I don’t have to work. He plays with Colby and makes him laugh. When Clint walks in the door, Colby gets the hugest grin on his face, it makes me melt. Colby is an awesome kid. I know I got lucky with this one. He is so mild mannered, but still very determined. He laughs at my silly dances and loves it when I chase him around the room on my hands and knees. I hope and pray I can be a good mom to him. I pray he grows up to be as happy as I am.
Okay, I’m done. But only ‘till the next time I feel compelled to mushy-ness.

1. Fold Laundry
2. Straighten Up
1. 60 minute walk
2. Abs
3. Triceps

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