Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day 21: What's the Point?

Tuesday, June 27th

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Dolly Parton

Circumhorizontal arc photo

Sometimes I feel like giving up. Why do I bust my ass day in and day out, getting all sweaty and gross for just a little bit of change, if any at all. What's the point? And then I remember: if I give up now, I give up on myself. I fail. I let myself down. I disappoint me. That's a big deal. I plan to have more babies. At least one or two more. If I can't lose the weight now, I'll have that in my mind next time, and I might not be motivated to bust my ass. I don't want to be that person. I want to be able to play with my kids, to run around with them, swim with them, and not be embarassed and out of breath. I want them to see that their mom is a happy, healthy person, and hopefully they will want to be happy, healthy people too.

But mostly this is about me. I have to remind myself that if I give up now, I'm not going to lose any more weight. At best, I'll stay the way I am. At worst (and more than likely), I'll slowly but surely put on pound after yucky pound. That's not an option for me, so I get out there, walk the miles, lift the weights, crunch the abs. It took a long time to put the weight on, I can't expect it to come off in a flash.

I think this time of year has really got me down. I will probably never get into a bikini again. Even if I do lose the weight that I want to and tone up, I will still have the loose skin resulting from a very big baby. To make matters worse, I have the most wicked stretch marks on my stomach. I know, people tell me they'll fade, but we're going on 10 months and they're still pretty obvious (damn genetics). All I can say is thank God for tankinis and boarder shorts. I would be a scary scary sight if these didn't exist!

Anyway, enough of the whining. Time to get down to business. Yesterday Corey and Sara came up to visit! It was awesome. Have I mentioned how much I love it when people make the effort to come up here to visit? Well, I do. Although I didn't do any cardio (it was too friggin' hot anyway), I did do crunches and squats while we watched TV! Whoop di do!

I do realize that it's already 4:00pm, but I am still setting goals for today. I have already been doing laundry, so that's a start!


1. Laundry (Fold, Clean)

2. Make dinners (for the month)


1. 60 min walk

2. Inner-thigh workout

3. Abs

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