Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 54: What's with this weather?!

Thursday, December 21st

I can't believe the weather we're having this year. First a huge flood in November, followed by the crazy snow, and now massive windstorms? Maybe this is just like The Day After Tomorrow.

Last week was pretty nuts. We went down for the Seahawks game on Thursday, the night that they predicted the storm to hit. We hit the bar before the game at about 2 and when we left at about 5, there was a torrential downpour. Within just a couple of seconds of standing outside, all of us were soaked to the bone. Clint, Jesse, and I ran through an alley to get to the stadium, and the gutters were just pouring off water. It didn't matter too much though because we were pretty much as wet as we could get. We sat through the entire (horrible) 3 hour game miserably cold. It could've been worse, though. If I hadn't had so much to drink beforehand I would've cared a whole lot more.

After we got back from the game was when the big storm hit. I couldn't believe how hard the wind was blowing, it was NUTS. Clint's parents lost power Thursday night and didn't get it back until Friday afternoon. My parents lost it Thursday and didn't get it back until early Sunday morning. Fortunately, they have a generator, so we got to watch TV and have heat.

I guess there are still lots of people without power and I feel so bad for them. It amazes me, though, that people are bringing charcoal barbeques and generators into their houses to heat them up. It's so sad how many people have died of carbon monoxide poisoning because of it!

Early this morning we had a fantastic thunder and lightening storm complete with hail. I brought Colby to bed with us and when the lightening hit the first couple of times he said, "Wooooah." It was pretty cute.

But it looks like we have a break in the weather today. I think they said there should be more windstorms in the near future, though. Oh boy!

Okey dokey, I'm going to hop in the shower now, while the little man is sleeping. I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Day 53: Another Day.

Wednesday, December 6th

Ahh, life. It's amazing, frustrating, and wonderful all at the same time. Kinda like being a parent. It's just one big roller-coaster of ups and downs and all you can do is keep your hands inside the ride and hold on.

I've been in kind of a melancholy mood lately and can't really put my finger on it, but I'm going to try.

I'm kinda sad that I haven't gotten into the Christmas spirit yet this year. I'm a major Christmas person and usually blast Christmas music the second Thanksgiving is over (and lots of times before it's over), but this year I haven't. We haven't decorated yet and I think that has a lot to do with it. Hopefully after we get our tree up and decorated on Saturday I'll be more cheery.

I also miss my friends. Don't get me wrong, I love chatting with my online buddies, but nothing quite substitutes a good face-to-face chat with a girlfriend. I need that so badly. I feel a little pathetic.

The other thing that I think has gotten me down is probably kind of a shock to most people, because it was a shock to me. I am sad that this next Thursday game is my last Seahawks game of the season. As of right now I don't know if I'll be able to get tickets next season, or if that's even an option for me. I have enjoyed going to the games SO much, have learned a ton about football, and really like hanging out on a Sunday morning drinking and walking around the tailgate area. It's so much fun hanging out with Clint and his friends, although I hope I haven't crashed their "guy time." It just makes me sad to know that my fun Seahawks season is almost over. :o(

Yep, I think that sums up pretty well why I'm such a party pooper. At least now I know.

This weekend was totally awesome, though! I took Clint on a surprise trip for his birthday and we had a lot of fun. We stayed the night in a motel on Friday night and early Saturday boarded the Victoria Clipper. We spent the weekend walking around Victoria, talking, hanging out in the hotel, basically just relaxing. It was weird to have no baby responsibilities. There were a couple of times that I was like, "Hmmm, no baby to entertain us, what should we do?" That dilemma was solved quickly though, don't worry. On Saturday night we were once again walking around, looking for that nummy toffee that I can only find in Canada, when all of these cops came by with their sirens going. We thought there was an accident or something, but soon after a whole parade of semis, dump trucks, and other big rigs came up the road. They were each decked out in Christmas lights and those big blow-up snow globes and some were pumping Christmas music from huge speakers. It was such a riot!

It was so nice to get away for the weekend with my man. I think we really need to make time for eachother because it's so easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life and being parents that we forget the reason we're together in the first place. I don't want our kids to grow up and move out and Clint and I look at eachother like, "Who are you again?"

Alrighty, I'm behind on my Christmas present knitting, so I'd better go. Hope everyone is doing well!!