Monday, January 14, 2008

Little Blessings.


Today is a great day. Thank God for good days, because they're what helps through the more difficult ones, like my last blog.

I am incredibly blessed. This morning it's chilly outside, but the sky has that beautiful overcast wintery look.We're sitting in our warm and cozy house, watching a Christmas movie and snuggling on the couch. I have my nummy cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer, and can smell the Christmas tree behind me. Lily is asleep in front of Colby and me, all snuggled in her fleece blanket.

Earlier, the three of us were playing on the floor and Colby gave Lily hugs and kisses while she sat and smiled at him, just beaming at her big brother. At one point I had both kids in my lap, Colby's arm around Lily's back and I thought, "Wow, this is what life is all about. This is love." My house is a total mess and I'm pretty sure there's a dirty diaper hiding somewhere because I keep getting a whiff of it, but I don't care. Right now I'm just enjoying this moment.

How blessed am I... Trying as it may be sometimes, I get to be home and watch my babies grow up. I get to witness every smile, giggle, and step they take. I know I am fortunate. I can go to the grocery store and buy anything we need without having to worry about not having enough money. I can take my kids to the doctor without a second thought of how much it's going to cost. We aren't wealthy by any means, and we make sacrifices, but so many people don't have the luxury of treating themselves to football games and the occasional Starbucks, let alone even affording to keep food on the table. We have worked hard for what we have, and I am grateful every single day that I get to be on this Earth because I know life goes by fast. I want to always remember these little blessings and thank God for them every single day.

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